Packaging (Nightly) Rust Application with Nix


Rust has gained a lot of traction recently. I was chatting with a friend about building web applications with rust, and mentioned how rocket makes it easier and enjoyable. I figured it might be a good time to pick rust up now. It does not take long to refamiliarize myself with rust and rocket, and I ended up building a tiny and dumb web application with it.

My plan was to further polish it and make it a NixOS service, so that I can easily spin it up on all my NixOS powered machines. This gave me a good execuse to learn to package Rust applications as well. What a lovely afternoon!

It turns out that packing a rust apllication in Nix is very simple, which is explained in Nixpkgs Doc well. However, if what you are building is based a relatively new nightly version of rust, it would take some more steps. I am documenting what I learned in the process here so that you do not have to research this topic again.

Note: None of the solutions here originates from me. I am grateful of their original authors inspiration and effort. The solutions definitely helped me, and I hope it helps you the reader as well.

The First Attempt (And Why It Didn’t Work)

Following the nixpkgs documentation on packaging Rust application, I finished the following nix code right away with buildRustPackage in the default.nix:

{ stdenv, pkgs, fetchFromGitHub, rustPlatform, ... }:

rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
  pname = "simple-reflection-server";
  version = "1.1.x";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "breakds";
    repo = pname;
    rev = version;
    sha256 = "1y2irlnha0dj63zp3dfbmrhssjj9qdxcl7h5sfr5nxf6dd4vjccg";

  cargoSha256 = "0drf5xnqin26zdyvx9n2zzgahcnrna0y56cphk2pb97qhpakvhbj";
  verifyCargoDeps = true;

The following command is used to try building the package

$ nix-build -E "with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./default.nix {}"

Sadly, the build failed right away, for mainly two reasons.

  1. The first one is about the Cargo.lock file. My Cargo.lock file is generated with a newer version of Cargo and Rust, so that it is no longer parse-able by the relatively old version in <nixpkgs> (which tracks 19.09 channel right now).
  2. The second one comes from the fact that the rustPlatform in <nixpkgs> currently offers a stable version of rust, while since the web application to be packaged is based on rocket, it requires a nightly version of rust.

It is possible to use rustup to downgrade my toolchain for development, which can solve problem 1 but won’t help problem 2. Therefore I need to seek a more principal solution that can bring a new and nightly version of rust into the game.

Mozilla Overlay To the Rescue

Thankfully, Mozilla as the major sponsor of Rust, is also an Nix-friendly company. It provides a set of overlays that includes mechanism to acquire latest version of Rust in it, hosted at nixpkgs-mozilla.

The idea proposed by Daniel (danieldk) here is straight-forward and effective: instead of use the stock rustPlatform, let’s build our own rustPlatform with overridden rust and cargo from the Mozilla Overlay. I put the following code (slightly modified from Daniel’s original version) in a file called mk-rust-platform.

{ callPackage, fetchFromGitHub, makeRustPlatform }:

{ date, channel }:

let mozillaOverlay = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "mozilla";
      repo = "nixpkgs-mozilla";
      rev = "5300241b41243cb8962fad284f0004afad187dad";
      sha256 = "1h3g3817anicwa9705npssvkwhi876zijyyvv4c86qiklrkn5j9w";
    mozilla = callPackage "${mozillaOverlay.out}/package-set.nix" {};
    rustSpecific = (mozilla.rustChannelOf { inherit date channel; }).rust;

in makeRustPlatform {
  cargo = rustSpecific;
  rustc = rustSpecific;

It basically provides a function to generate rustPlatform with specified date (e.g. "2020-01-15") and channel (e.g. "nightly") of Rust. And now, just replace the rustPlatform in the previous attempt with a specifically produced one in the default.nix for my package:

{ stdenv, pkgs, fetchFromGitHub, ... }:

let mkRustPlatform = pkgs.callPackage ./mk-rust-platform.nix {};

    rustPlatform = mkRustPlatform {
      date = "2020-01-15";
      channel = "nightly";

in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
  pname = "simple-reflection-server";
  version = "1.1.x";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "breakds";
    repo = pname;
    rev = version;
    sha256 = "1y2irlnha0dj63zp3dfbmrhssjj9qdxcl7h5sfr5nxf6dd4vjccg";

  cargoSha256 = "0drf5xnqin26zdyvx9n2zzgahcnrna0y56cphk2pb97qhpakvhbj";
  verifyCargoDeps = true;

This solved the mentioned 2 problems pretty well. There is one catch though, which is that during the build phase by Cargo, some files will be generated and written to the $HOME directory. It cripples the Nix build because there will be no $HOME, and Nix will complain about

error: failed to acquire package cache lock

Caused by:
  failed to open: /homeless-shelter/.cargo/.package-cache

Guillaume (GitHub id layus) provided a work-around in the following GitHub Issue to temporarily assign a directory to $HOME to applease Cargo. This adds one export in the preConfigure phase.

preConfigure = ''
  export HOME=$(mktemp -d)

Handling Resource (Templates) Files

Now the Rust application should be successfully built, and if this already achieves your purpose - that’s good.

However in my case, since the application is a web server with templates, building the binary alone will not get the template files into the final package, and the binary will fail to generate web pages (Cannot find templates).

It would be a common case when resource files are needed, be it templates, configurations or other types of data files. I am not sure whether Cargo can or should do that, but it feels like it is Nix’s responsibility to do so.

The trick I have been using is to have a postInstall that copies the templates into the package, as well as setting the environment variable specific to the binary (with makeWrapper) so that it knows where to find the template files. This can be done by simply adding the piece of code below into your default.nix.

  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];

  postInstall = ''
    mkdir $out/etc/
    cp -r templates $out/etc
    wrapProgram "$out/bin/simple-reflection-server" \
      --prefix ROCKET_TEMPLATE_DIR : "$out/etc/templates"

Note that in order to use wrapProgram, you need makeWrapper as one of nativeBuildinputs. The --prefixbasically translates to

Whenever you run this program, set the environment variable to this value before launching the binary.


The full working default.nix now reads:

{ stdenv, pkgs, fetchFromGitHub, ... }:

let mkRustPlatform = pkgs.callPackage ./mk-rust-platform.nix {};

    rustPlatform = mkRustPlatform {
      date = "2020-01-15";
      channel = "nightly";

in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
  pname = "simple-reflection-server";
  version = "1.1.x";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "breakds";
    repo = pname;
    rev = version;
    sha256 = "1y2irlnha0dj63zp3dfbmrhssjj9qdxcl7h5sfr5nxf6dd4vjccg";
  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];

  cargoSha256 = "0drf5xnqin26zdyvx9n2zzgahcnrna0y56cphk2pb97qhpakvhbj";
  verifyCargoDeps = true;
  preConfigure = ''
    export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
  postInstall = ''
    mkdir $out/etc/
    cp -r templates $out/etc
    wrapProgram "$out/bin/simple-reflection-server" \
      --prefix ROCKET_TEMPLATE_DIR : "$out/etc/templates"

And the non-simplified version can be found here.

As a relatively new community, Rust is being updated every day so that the standard process for packaging Rust application might need some time to catch up. However, I would say that it is basically working without major hacks, and I am pretty satisified with the current solution.

Happy Hacking!

Break Yang
Break Yang
Automate Things

I am a software engineer by trade, working on automating things (e.g. cars). I spent my school years studying Math, Control, Economics and Computer Vision.